Once Upon a Fat Girl

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ironman Strength

So I was re-reading yesterday's post about whether or not I'd go to TOPS today. And I realized that it came off as sort of bitchy and know-it-all. I'm really sorry. I know that everyone has to find their own way, and I promise I'm not trying to judge anyone who is following WW or any other diet plan. I respect that everyone has to do what they need to do for themselves. I do want to present an alternative, but that doesn't mean that I don't respect other people's choices. I'm really sorry if I offended anyone.


I was nosing around Barnes and Noble this afternoon, and picked up a copy of Triathlete magazine. So cool! Just looking at the pictures made me get all excited.

There's an article in the July issue that gives a weight training program that six time Ironman World Champion (!) Mark Allen's trainer designed. Sounds intimidating, huh? But it looks pretty simple and straight forward, and easily adaptable for fat girls. There are twelve exercises:

Lat pulldowns
Leg extensions
Leg curls
Bench press
Lateral dumbbell raise
Calf raises
Dumbbell pullover
Backward lunges
Bicep curls
Tricep extensions
Leg presses

Google the exercises if you aren't sure what they are. Or better yet, pick up a copy of the magazine. I'm going to give this a try this week. The first phase is one set of 12 reps two days a week. There is no way I'm going to be able to do all those exercises on a day that I do cardio. So, I'm going to do the strength training on Wednesday (tomorrow!) and Sunday. Cardio on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Which gives me Friday and Saturday off--or to do fun stuff like swim with my kids...ooh or maybe go bowling or rollerskating or...

Here's this week's schedule:

Monday: Swim (100 yards freestyle, plus treading water, kicking, just general fun)
Tuesday: Short bike, 30 minutes
Wednesday: Strength
Thursday: Long bike, 60 minutes
Friday: Off
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Strength


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok...can you tell I'm spending too much time on the computer tonight?!? I'm keeping up with you! I love that you blog more than once a day! :-) So...another blog you might want to check out is...http://hardpart.blogspot.com/ ....check out the section of how she did it...very inspiring! I would love to do a tri too! I've mostly been doing the biking part...I need to get some swimming and running in!

10:35 PM  

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