Once Upon a Fat Girl

Thursday, June 01, 2006

June Check In

Today's weight: 312. I lost 11 pounds in May. Whoo!

When Kevin comes home from work this afternoon I'm going to have him take my June pictures. I can't imagine they'll be different the May pictures, since I took them less than two weeks ago. So they are mostly for posterity's sake.

I did lose 3.25 inches since my May weigh-in though. Now I really wish I had measured on May 1!

Waist: 48.5 (-1)
Hips: 55.5 (-.5)
Bust: 45.75 under boobs (-.25), 53.5 over boobs (-.5)
Arm: 16.5 (-0)
Thigh: 29 (-1)

Whenever, in the past, I've measured myself to track weight loss, I've always had this fear that I'm not really shrinking--that I'm just measuring in a different place or something. I can't wait for the day that I go to measure my waist and my starting measurement, 49.5 inches, is so huge that there is no chance I'm only measuring in the wrong spot.


I have a touch of the ADD and have a tendency to hyperfocus on one thing--right now it's weight loss. The upshot of that is that I get a lot done on that one thing. Like losing 11 pounds this month. Starting a blog. Beginning training for a triathlon. Finding an OA sponsor. You get the picture.

The downside is that everything else falls to the wayside. And I end up burning myself out.

I can't afford to burn out on my health. So I've decided for now to start posting a daily list of goals, things that I'll do rather than sit at my computer and stare at my Calorie King food list waiting for to get hungry again. HAHA


Continue final editing of my novel. I'd like to get through a chapter a day.

Have the kitchen, living room and office straightened before Kevin gets home from work. (I'm such a good little housewife! HAHA)

Gym: 30 minutes on the bike, weight training on chest, shoulders and abs

Start going through my back room. I'll post about my vintage clothing fetish and how it's helping me with weight loss tomorrow.


Blogger t. said...

congratulations on the GREAT result!!!
11 pounds in May is a great result! I was shooting VERY high for 8 and yet I lost only 2...

8:32 AM  
Blogger The Relentless Reader said...

11lbs!! Good for you girl!

Are you going to post your new pics here?

A daily list of goals is a fab idea. It gives you short term things to shoot for which is always a good thing.

Good luck being a good little haus frau ;)

9:24 AM  
Blogger Amazon Alanna said...

Congrats on your loss! (What a weird saying)

Great job on the gym thang! I will be posting my gym experience later, when I have lots of time to ruminate (or complain, whichever)

9:33 AM  
Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

I have ADHD I am trying to adapt to fly flylady.net and eat healthy/maintain at the same time. I do daily goals all the time and I find it helps me accomplish them if I keep the list doable. I have a long range goal list for other things

11:35 AM  
Blogger Living to Feel Good said...

Woohooooo!Big congrats on the 11lbs!! That is soooo awesome!!

I think I need to do what you are doing...list a little daily list thing. I feel like I never get anything done, but I know I waste alot of time watching TV and being on the internet.

Again that is such a great loss for the month!! Go you!! :)

7:28 PM  

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